Kiera Cass
The Selection #1.5

Before thirty-five girls were chosen to compete in the Selection…
Before thirty-five girls were chosen to compete in the Selection…
Before Aspen broke America’s heart…
There was another girl in Prince Maxon’s life…
Now I can’t really comment on this book’s plot, since it is the same as the Selection, but I did enjoy Prince Maxon’s point of view. It explains some of the questions asked in the Selection, but I do wish it had gone on longer, it stops in the middle of the Selection’s story. I wanted to know how Maxon felt about everything that happened later on. Still is was nice to see what his first impressions of all the girls were. Just so you know, the previous romance it talks about in the summary doesn’t play a huge part in this book.
There are only one new character, which is the girl mentioned above. Daphne is a French Princess that loves Maxon so much she’ll give up her crown to marry him. I liked her character, although we didn’t see much of her, she reminded me slightly of America. Prince Maxon’s character is also shown a bit more clearly, not just how America sees him, but how he really is. However, my views on him didn’t change much.
Who should read this?
13+, although this one had absolutely no violence at all, simply because I gave the Selection that rating and you won’t like this if you don’t read the Selection first. Mild mature content, but nothing terrible. I guess fans of the Selection will like this, I don’t think I’ll recommend it to anyone else.
My rating:
It was okay, a little short for my taste, just like this review! 3/5
“Knowledge isn’t love”
“Knowledge isn’t love”
Read my reviews for The Selection and The Elite here!
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