Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tiger's Voyage

Colleen Houck

The Tiger Saga #3

I do love these covers though...
Summary: (WARNING: may contain spoilers of previous books!)
With the head-to-head battle against the villainous Lokesh behind her, Kelsey confronts a new heartbreak: in the wake of his traumatic experience, her beloved Ren no longer remembers who she is. As the trio continues their quest by challenging five cunning and duplicitous dragons, Ren and Kishan once more vie for her affections – leaving Kelsey more confused than ever.

In One Word: Melodramatic (exaggerated/overemotional)

So first of all, those of you who follow me on goodreads already know...I had no recollection of what happened in the previous book (as in none at all). This made it really hard to understand the references to it in this book and also where the characters (I at least remembered who the characters were) and their relationships were. The writing in this book can be a bit stilted at times, and that makes it hard to get into the story. Also, I feel like there’s too many descriptions of Kelsey’s emotions and not enough of a storyline in the first half of the book. The second half does get a lot more interesting, with the five dragons thrown in, but I felt like the author could’ve made more of this part and cut the overly dramatic first part a little shorter. I hate pretentious books, and parts of this one would definitely fall into that category, also the similarities to New Moon by Stephenie Meyer were a little hard to handle (especially since I already didn’t like NM...I didn’t need a rewrite of it thank you very much...)

In all honesty, I kind of detested the main character, Kelsey, in this book. In my review of the first book I did not feel like this, on the contrary, I really liked Kelsey. I also really don’t like Ren all that much either, where I used to think he was a pretty good hero. I don’t really care if Kelsey ends up with him, because I no longer care what happens to either of them. Actually I kind of feel like they deserve each other, and Kishan deserves way better. Okay, rant over. Kishan is not the best character ever written. I usually like the ‘bad’ character turned good, but his transformation was a bit unrealistic. However, I did like him more than Ren in this (and I want to say in the previous one as well, but I can’t really remember) installment. He’s caring and patient and fair, while Ren is completely irrational and does stupid things for stupid reasons (Edward in New Moon flashbacks anyone?). Overall, the characters are a little flat and Kelsey is extremely annoying.

Who should read this:
12+, there is very little violence, very mild sexual content and no language that I noticed. If you have a problem with the whole ‘Eastern mysticism’ idea then you might not like this, but like I said in the previous review (which I had to reread to try and jog my memory...didn’t work) a book that contains these ideas as well as fairies (or in this case, dragons) shouldn’t be a problem for people.

My rating:
This was kind of a rant review, sorry, I love the premise of this series, and I think there was a lot of potential with this particular installment’s plotline, but it was just disappointing in my opinion. I can usually excuse one bad book in a series, but two is pushing it. I’m not going to be trying overly hard to find the next book any time soon. 2/5

“Your heart knows. Your soul remembers.” (Oh the pretentiousness...)

Read my reviews for 'Tiger's Curse' and 'Tiger's Quest'!

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