Monday, May 20, 2013

Peter Pan

J.M. Barrie

One starry night, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lead the three Darling children over the rooftops of London and away to Neverland- the island where lost boys play, mermaids splash and fairies make mischief. But a villainous-looking gang of pirates lurk in the docks, led by the terrifying Captain James Hook. Magic and excitement are in the air, but if Captain Hook has his way then, before long, someone will be walking the plank and swimming with the crocodiles.

Oh, wow, how do you even begin to explain the wonderful magic that is Peter Pan? Few stories have captured people’s imaginations as this one did. If you ever pretended, as a child, to be anything impossible, like a princess, an animal, a superhero…whatever, then I believe that some part of you will understand the brilliance that is Peter Pan. The whole story sounds like a children’s game, I have yet to find another book that is so well written, but still so completely silly. This story is unrealistic, even in its description of the ‘normal’ Darling family…at times it makes absolutely no sense, and yet I find myself drawn to the sheer imagination of it all.

Pirates, Indians, fairies, dogs as nannies, people who fly, mermaids, birds who save people, the characters in this novel are so diverse,  to write about all of them would be impossible. You have the cocky boy Peter Pan, who doesn’t grow up. Motherly, loving Wendy, who despite her caring nature, breaks her mother’s heart. The incredibly evil, but charismatic Captain James Hook who thrills and terrifies you. The funny lost boys. Jealous, vain Tinker Bell. Most of these characters are so marvelously childish, innocent and like it says in the book, heartless. You find yourself wanting to throttle them at times and yet almost wishing you could still be like that.

Who should read this?
Anyone. Adults, children, teenagers. No matter your age, I think this is a book that can be enjoyed by everyone. However, if you like realistic, simple books, this might not be the one for you. If you like fantasy, or just a book that seems to go deeper than just the story definitely read this one.

My rating:
I adored this book. It was excellently written, fascinating and made me wish I was still little. 4/5

“For to have faith, is to have wings"

Read my review on the movie about J.M. Barrie's inspiration for Peter Pan, Finding Neverland, here.

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