Monday, June 16, 2014

The way I feel when I walk into a library/bookstore/my room

Because yes, my room can be included in that list...

Bookstores and libraries are probably my favorite places on Earth. When I walk into one I just feel like I'm home, I can feel myself relaxing and I'm just happy. Anyone who doesn't see how magical these place are...let me explain.

When I walk into a bookstore I don't see a place filled with lots of paper and words etc. I see a giant collection of doors to amazing and fascinating places, any of which I can open and step into if I feel like it. You know those doors you sometimes see in movies, that just stand there and you can walk all around it and it doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Until you open it that is. Then, all of a sudden you can step through and into a whole different place. That's exactly how I see books, and that is why bookstores and libraries are magical.

As to my room it's basically the same thing, only in here I know most of the places behind the doors, some extremely well, others not so much, but I can revisit my favorites, or choose not to if I didn't like where they go.

There is some element of danger to walking through these doors though. You might get addicted to 'book travelling' (yep, I just made that up), or you may find something in those pages that could change your life, or your outlook on life.

That's just something I've always wanted to yeah.... :D

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