Friday, June 7, 2013

Why I Love Books!

This is not going to be a review, just so you know. So many people have asked me this question, but they always want a one sentence version and I can’t do that. So if you don’t care why I think books are wonderful, don’t read this, I won’t mind. Also this is going to be VERY serious (I think). So here are the main reasons for my obsession:
1.    I feel safe around books. People have always made me slightly nervous (some are downright scary ;P), and I prefer reading to talking. Books are my friends, they don’t change, their very rarely mean (except those horrible ones with those terrible endings) to the reader (a.k.a me) and they're always there. Those that I don’t like I simply get rid of, as easy as that. This may sound strange, but it’s the way I feel. (I’m not completely socially challenged, by the way. I do have human friends as well :P)

2.       When I look at books I don’t see them as paper with words that I have to read. I see them as doors to different worlds and different stories than my own. Every one of them leads to a different country or place where anything is possible. They are a way of escaping the normality of my life and entering a whole new world (A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew… :P)

3.       Reading is like a drug to me. It’s addictive, it makes me feel happy while I’m doing it, and it makes me forget the world for a while. Except it’s not damaging to my health. So who wouldn’t want that, right? RIGHT? :D
So there you have it, the reason I love books! Of course there are tons more, like the fact that there are books about absolutely anything, and the fact that it has improved my use of language, but those are the main ones :D.

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